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(North Wales), United Kingdom

Thursday, 9 September 2010

so much to do so little time

With all these events and places Ive visited this summer the only work Ive just about kept on top of is this blog  and my written journal not good :-( when i have a sketch book to start dissertation that should be getting some where by now oh dear haven't even started, got the materials to start just much prefer to be hands on making. Had great fun from new designers to art in action in Oxford then the quits exhibition in the NEC Birmingham did i mention that was great seeing all the hand made quiting  that people do not loosing its tradition, also something i would like to have a go at  one day with all the other hundred things on my list far to ambitious for my own good! Then the international festival of glass which Ive already told you about. think its now time to put all this inspiration to use and start getting prepared for my final year with less than a month, till the ball starts rolling again eek............... so much to do best be off here for an early night and a productive day tomorrow starting with the sketch book i think. 

night blog 


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