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(North Wales), United Kingdom

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Work in the galley

sets of Coasters

Went to see my work in the gallery a few days ago really pleased to see I'm selling a few pieces. Out of the five sets of coasters Ive sold three sets haven't sold any of the large platters of bowls but there is still time, nice to see Ive sold something.She asked me had i thought about doing a few Christmas pieces i was shocked as summers only just over but good to think ahead i hadn't even though of it myself looks like i need to start thinking!? it soon comes round.

Individual coasters

Platters & Bowls

Thursday, 9 September 2010

LoVE tHe LaCe STuFf!!

Check out my recent bargin purchase from the lace guild, its an amazing emporium full of all kinds of lace things cant believe Ive come across it, ill be their all the time. the lace ribbon im going to use to decorate my new scetch book  not sure what I'm going to use  the large piece for but I'm sure i will make use of them. Love the detail of the large doily  ill perhaps use it for screen printing these are hand made so i don't really want to do anything to destructive like sandblasting the design onto glass. Its unreal how cheap these pieces are going for these days, the amount of time gone into these pieces its so sad :-( So I'm on a mission to buy antique lace if anyone knows of anywhere let me where i can purchase :-)

so much to do so little time

With all these events and places Ive visited this summer the only work Ive just about kept on top of is this blog  and my written journal not good :-( when i have a sketch book to start dissertation that should be getting some where by now oh dear haven't even started, got the materials to start just much prefer to be hands on making. Had great fun from new designers to art in action in Oxford then the quits exhibition in the NEC Birmingham did i mention that was great seeing all the hand made quiting  that people do not loosing its tradition, also something i would like to have a go at  one day with all the other hundred things on my list far to ambitious for my own good! Then the international festival of glass which Ive already told you about. think its now time to put all this inspiration to use and start getting prepared for my final year with less than a month, till the ball starts rolling again eek............... so much to do best be off here for an early night and a productive day tomorrow starting with the sketch book i think. 

night blog 


Volunteer Work

A few of my favourite pieces from the Festival  

                                                                      Keiko Mukaide

Alison Kinnard

Lisa Sheppy

Recently i  was given a great opportunity to take part in the international festival of glass 2010, also known as the glass Biennial held not far from me in the midlands (Stourbridge). The festival is held every two years where all glass artists come together and put on an exhibition showing the best of glass also master classes take place, bead fair,glass blowing demonstrations, action, and other exhibitions showcasing glass, also lace and glass exciting stuff. The festival took place over four days and i ended up doing four days including the private view i was enjoying that much, volunteering for more days than initially said. Starting with the private view what an AMAZING!!evening having the opportunity to meet some of my favourites in glass and talking about there work, and being there to see who the won the British Biennial prize how fab! during the festival i saw so many inspiring pieces of work made some great new friends and also saw one of my favourite pieces of work by Roby  Smith who designed the glass curtains seen in photo, got  introduced to Alison Kinnard amazing glass engraver they where both such lovely people with really inspiring work.:-) also learnt so much  from it new technique from standing in on some of the master glass classes and come away with a new network of glass makers...............................................................................beginning to run out of things to say all in all had a terrific time it was that good, and so much to take in that i cant quite put it all in words. if you get the change in two years time go its so worth it hope to see you their as I'm SO taking part again  hopefully, may even give a go at exhibiting next time? Two years to pull something good out the bag isn't there!? :-)

take a look for yourself   http://www.ifg.org.uk/

Roby Smith

Kathryn Wighman

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

EnD of yEar FInal shOW

 screen printed plates
 inspired by traditional table settings.

Hinged glass wall panels
and cold worked processes.

final show may 2010

These pieces form my final degree show at the end of my second year and my first year working with glass. the panels that can be seen were very time consuming using cold worked processes,hour after hour i spent engraving lace patterns on the glass although these panels left my hands numb the pain was worth it with the outcome and mark making i created shows it was worth it, and looking Back i was dedicated,again inspired by lace taken from a poem ''it's light that makes the intervals '' this was the first finished piece where i worked with lace and glass.I feel this
 has been the most successful piece Ive created yet it also seemed to attract attention at my final show and received great feed back :-)