About Me

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(North Wales), United Kingdom

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Thinking Christmas........Already!!

I'm slowly starting to prepare work for Christmas decorations and all things pretty for the tree. These will be going in my local gallery and the display will be going up very soon. A sneak peak into what I'm Making ................... 

My very own glass snow flake

NeW PhoTos Of WOrK

I will be using these Photo's for my business cards and website that i will be up and running by May 2011

It will also form part of my professional practice work for my degree.  
I find the photo's crisp and clean showing off my work to its best :-)
  • Photography collaboration: With thanks to Hannah Trevor for capturing these piece's.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

ThE tiME HAs cOMe.........

Started back at university yesterday and I'm now in my final year eeeek! Had a long  morning with a group tutorial where everything was set for the year ahead,our new modules launched and dates already in the diary for deadlines, i think this year is going to be very tough however, on the other hand as soon as i got my hands stuck back into making, with a bit of time spend in workshop testing a new technique I've picked up the ideas and inspiration started to come right back to me. I left uni knowing what i aim to focus on for the next few weeks and see how i get on positive feeling is always good :-) ill be posting photos of my tests soon so keep a look out.