About Me

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(North Wales), United Kingdom

Monday, 26 July 2010


Experimenting with vintage lace trapping it between two layers of glass

Once fired

as you can see this didn't quite work out! the reason for the lace still being visible is because of the natural fibre in the lace even throw it didn't work out they are different and it proves that you can combine textiles and glass literally.........

Work goES In THE KilN...

These coasters are one of my favourite things i do, take a lot of time but i feel they are unique in the designs i make for them and a great gift i also package them as a set of four or sell them individually, if some one just wants one as a smaller gift.
Using cold worked processes in glass sandblasting,fire polishing and hand cutting of designs i produce these as part of my 'bread and butter range' even though each is unique in design i make these often as they sell well and i enjoy the designing process as i don't often get the chance to draw being an applied artist its all about making :-)

The Finished Product.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

OuT & ABoUt!

Eventful day all in all,the plus side to the day venturing out & about  :-)
never made it to see my work in gallery but went into my local town to see if they would take a
look at my work they seemed
keen so have to wait and see!? exciting day tomorrow off to make some work
toodle pip xx

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

WoRk GoEs IN GaLLERy!!

Such an EXCITING time for me to be given the opportunity to exhibit my work in a local gallery shop. this will be the first time showing work in a shop as I've only exhibited in exhibition's but this is even more exciting and hopefully much more to come from it, its an amazing little shop with all sorts of fun  handmade crafts to feast your eyes on. off to see how work looks tomorrow and take a few photos.I hope to get them up soon for you all to see........
 let me no what you think?

It's AlL AbOut PhtOgrAPhy

 inspired by 18th century table ware and own new photography
inspired by the above ............  glass plates

iT'S AlL nEW tO mE!!

AS YOU CAN ALL SEE I'M NEW TO THIS bLOG WORLD!! hope to have my work up soon, and give you an insight into what i like to do hope you like if any one has any tips drop me a line buy for now xx