About Me

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(North Wales), United Kingdom

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

TiMe FlyS wheN YoU're HaVInG FUN!

As you can see i haven't been on here in a while,so I've upload a few images to show what I've been doing all this time! This body of work has been about experimentation and a continuation from my last post back in December.

I'm about to start a new project so i though i best upload these images and get myself organised before i forget although its proving very difficult to back track all this work I've done!! 

since the last time, i now have myself a lovely new camera so will be posting my own photography soon hope you like?

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Beautiful Quotation

"I consider lace to be one of the prettiest imitations ever made of the fantasy of nature; lace always evokes for me those incomparable designs which the branches and leaves of trees embroider across the sky, and I do not think that any invention of the human spirit could have a more graceful or precise origin."

Coco Chanel, April 29,

Sunday, 7 November 2010


This week Ive been in the work shop making decorations as well as uni work of course!! :-)really enjoying playing around making pretty things to hang on the tree, these snowflake's are very delicate but will look beautiful at Christmas with the lights shining on them. I have made a batch to take to a local gallery on Friday so that's keeping me motivated on the making front.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Thinking Christmas........Already!!

I'm slowly starting to prepare work for Christmas decorations and all things pretty for the tree. These will be going in my local gallery and the display will be going up very soon. A sneak peak into what I'm Making ................... 

My very own glass snow flake

NeW PhoTos Of WOrK

I will be using these Photo's for my business cards and website that i will be up and running by May 2011

It will also form part of my professional practice work for my degree.  
I find the photo's crisp and clean showing off my work to its best :-)
  • Photography collaboration: With thanks to Hannah Trevor for capturing these piece's.